Community Settings
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General settings allow you to change basic information about your community such as its name, language, time zone, and whether or not there are multiple Discord servers for your community.
This section will also allow you to retrieve your community token, which you can provide to people who need to have access to the moderation tool within your server.
The option corresponding to the presence or absence of multiple Discords allows you to indicate whether you have one or more Discords where the Discord Bot will be present.
The Trust Score options allow you to change how your members' trust score will evolve. You can indicate a starting score, the speed at which the score increases for each hour of play, and the amount of penalties (or bonuses) that the different records present on each player's profile will bring.
The following three options allow you to configure the appearance of certain flags, in particular after what ratio of hours per penalty, a player will obtain the title of perfect player. You can also configure negative flags, after a certain number of penalties. However, these flags are only visual indicators and will have no impact on the player's profile.
By default, every X warnings applied to a player, Madonn'Admin will apply a temporary ban, of the duration of your choice. Note that this will not take warnings removed through appeals, only active warnings.
If you want to disable this feature, we have not implemented options to do so. You can therefore modify the number of warnings required for a ban, to an extravagant number: 99 or 999 for example. There is little risk that a player will reach this number one day.
Finally, players have the ability to make requests for removal of sanctions called: appeals. You can change the conditions for which a player can make a request:
The duration between two appeals
The minimum and remaining duration of a ban
The age of a sanction (except ban in progress)