BUTTONS = {-- Use this models to create buttons on differents in game player profiles [1] = { Title ="Heal", HaveAccess =true, -- true = visible for all staffs | {1,2,3} = visible only for this ranksActions=function()ifIsPedMale(PlayerPedId()) thenSetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(),200)elseSetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(),100)endend }, [2] = { Title ="Tuer", HaveAccess = {1,2,3,4,5},Actions=function()SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(),0)end }, [3] = { Title ="Dégeler / Geler", HaveAccess = {1,2,3,4,5},Actions=function() PlayerFrozen =not PlayerFrozenend }, [4] = { Title ="Réparer le véhicule", HaveAccess =true,Actions=function()local vcl =GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(),false)SetVehicleEngineHealth(vcl, 1000.0)SetVehicleBodyHealth(vcl, 1000.0)SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vcl, 1000.0)SetVehicleFixed(vcl)end },}
Player profile pages in games have several buttons. The first 4 correspond to teleport options and can be managed from the role settings, on the Web Dashboard.
For each button, you can choose a name, the ranks that have access to it, and the actions that this button will perform. These actions will be performed client-side. Do not hesitate to contact us for any help.